Frequently asked questions
+ Can you help find me a room?
With pleasure, that's what SplitRent is here for! There's a search box at the top of the home page, simply type in where you'd like to live and hit enter and we'll show you all the available options in that area, and also the surrounding areas. See one you like? Click the Request a Booking button to get started!
+ I've got a spare room in my home, can I advertise it on SplitRent?
Absolutely you can! Just click on the “post an ad” link at the top of the home page.
+ How much does SplitRent charge?
Creating an account and advertising your space with SplitRent is completely free of charge.
You only pay a £25 deposit per ad, which is only taken upon successful bookings. If for any reason your ad is deactivated or you can't rent your room, the £25 will be refunded back to your eWallet.
+ How does the SplitRent eWallet work?
Our eWallet is an electronic wallet you can deposit money into to fund your advertisements
and bookings. When you post an ad, we simply take £25 out of your eWallet as a deposit
which will then only be kept if the booking is successful. You can withdraw funds out of your
eWallet at any time, just bear in mind this may take up to 10 days to be processed and
reflected in your bank account.
+ How does SplitRent Payments work?
When a booking is made, SplitRent will securely process the payment on behalf of the
landlord, where we hold on to the funds until the new tenant confirms the legitimacy of the
ad they responded to. When the tenant confirms the room's condition is satisfactory, the
SplitRent Payments team will release the funds to the landlord. There is no obligation to use
this service, but bear in mind that SplitRent takes no responsibility for any bookings made
outside of SplitRent Payments. Read more about how this works on SplitRent Payments'
+ Does SplitRent make arrangements for me to move in to the room I've booked?
No, the landlord/agent of the property will contact you directly once they've accepted your
booking request. You will then be able to finalise the specifics of your moving in date, and
any other requirements you might have, with them
+ Can I list my property for sale on SplitRent?
SplitRent is for advertising rentals only.
+ How do you resolve disputes between tenants and landlords?
SplitRent's disputes department will only handle disputes where the landlord has posted
misleading or fake advertisements. For more information on this, please read our page
about how SplitRent Payments works.
+ I want to start my own flatshare but I don't want any of the hassle, does SplitRent offer a service for me?
We sure do! Our FlatShare Finder service will find you the perfect flat and the perfect people to fill it. Please see our FlatShare Finder page for more details.